mY noT sO CooL hoUseMatE..aHaKz..

i think i have such a cool nite today..haha..
juz now izyan blik dr terawih.. then kte g jln2 sbb die nk blek esok.. blik jap je tuh..
kte g men2 kat mini gym blkang blok..
men lari2..even cik fifi kecik tp cik fifi telah mnjuarai larian tersebut..(blh caye ke)
then.. blik umah ktorg ngade2 nk amek gmbr..
so, ini lah hasil nya..

comey nya dak2 nih erk. Tp agak2 sape lgik comey?..

we're not so cool..hehe

gila2 pose from us..

love n peace yo..

frenz 4-ever

the best of cik fifi n the not-so-cool housemate..haha

weyh.. korunk asal posing hbis nih? aku nk ltak dlm blog je la.. wakaka

gengz..korunk mmg terbaekkkkk dr ladang la gengz..cik fifi syg korunk..

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